
We've been using the musicxray website to get some feedback on material. Here are some of the results.

For Easy Money:

This song is a good critique of today's society, and people will be able to easily identify with the lyrics. The composition is simple musically, but it has a certain drive and style, and there are dynamic changes throughout the song which keep it interesting. You've also got a sing-along refrain in "easy money" which keeps the listener involved in the song. The musicianship was par, and the production overall, with one exception, was good and contributed to a sound that could possibly be identified with your band. I did think all the guitars could have been brought down so that the vocals and rest of the instruments wouldn't be overwhelmed and lost in mix so much. The guitars in general were very uneven in mix, so that needs some work. But overall, you've written a good song with a sound a listener could identify with your band. Now work on your production chops a bit and refine your sound. Keep up the great work! Feel free to comment on this review using the Community Feedback feature on my profile page. Thanks for letting me listen to your music.

Reviewer in Europe

For Coolness Rules:

We also conducted a focus group on Coolness Rules. Many comments there but the gist is the song does take you back to high school (or right where you are if you are attending high school). That's good! The band sounds its age and we're slightly more intriguing to European audiences than North American. We'll share comments through the next few weeks. Feel free to make your own comments at the guest book.

Here's what one person is saying about Coolness Rules the lead of single to the coming Whiners and Losers release:
"This is definitely an old school punk sound...I like it a lot. The only problem i have personally with it is it repeats the chorus too many times, I get tired of hearing the same lyrics over and over again in a song...Other than that including the productions and recording sounded great.

DM3 productions/HI8US

We did a remix of both songs to see if that sits better and we're thinking about it for a few weeks before locking the tracks.

The Whiners